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  • AutorenbildGiselle

Japanese delights

Aktualisiert: 16. Sept. 2019

During my „Sakura“ Trip to Japan I also experienced some of the country’s culinary delights from a traditional Japanese breakfast to drinks with a view - enjoy!

When travelling I’m always excited to try the local food - I feel that it is a really good way to immerse myself a little more into the culture and habits of the respective country. And after all - don’t we all love to eat?!

Breakfast in Japan is rather on the savoury side. Fish is always served whether fermented, cooked or raw or sometimes as a soup ingredient.

In Japan eating is a visual experience, too. Dishes are carefully decorated with a lot of attention to detail.

Street food in Tokyo

Of course I couldn’t travel to Japan without having some of the famous Kobe beef - super soft, super delicious, super addictive!

Another popular street food is Dango. These are sweet dumpling made with rice flour, which gives them a sticky, chewy texture. Mine were stuffed with a red bean paste - yummy!!

Drinks with a view

Of course there are countless bars in Tokyo offering drinks with a view. We chose to sip ours at the Park Hyatt Tokyo (Nishi-Shinjuku) and the Ritz Carlton Tokyo (Midtown).

Fruit anyone?!

As I mentioned earlier here the appearance and presentation of food is of great importance in Japan. Still, I was amazed when I stumbled across this gourmet shop in midtown selling fruit only...

The box on the top right hand corner retails at a stunning ¥10,530, which equals €90 or $100. For 12(!) strawberries 🍓!!! Nothing else - well the box. A little pricey for you? Well, how about those here then...

The box of three at the top left hand corner is yours for a mere ¥2,808 - so at €24/$27 a real bargain!

But if strawberries aren’t your cup of tea, fear not - there were also pears on offer - all yours for ¥8,640 (€74/$81)...

5 Star cuisine above the clouds

En route back home I was spoiled with another culinary highlight - the Japanese menu on LH717. I think I was the only one opting for the Japanese rather than the Western Style menu. What can I say - they missed out big time!!!

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