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  • AutorenbildGiselle

Chef Tima (Sumbawa, Indonesia)

Aktualisiert: 17. Sept. 2019

During my stay at Lakey Beach Tima, the caretaker of the property and also an excellent chef, took care of all our meals - Indonesian style.

For the two weeks I spent at Lakey Beach Tima managed to surprise us every evening with the most delicious dinners, all of them authentic Indonesien recipies prepared in her little kitchen. Rice and tempeh were pretty much the basics accompanying every dinner. With those Tima served eggplants in a spicy sauce or a curry or different kinds of vegetables (okra, green beans, soy beans, spinach...) and her fabulous coconut salad!

I also got to love the so called “snake fruit” which tastes a bit like a mixture of an apple and a pineapple.

Every morning Tima also brought us pancakes, omelettes and fresh fruit (the bananas were from her garden) and we used them to make yummy smoothies or fruit salads.

While we were on our grocery shopping trip in Dompu (see “travel” section) Tima introduced me to her favourite ice cream: it looks like corncob and actually tastes exactly like one - just a lot sweeter. Sounds weired? If you ever get the chance try it - it’s soooo good!

Due to the proximity to the sea, fish and seafood is very popular and always available. To be able to store the fish it is dried in the sun, often roadside.

Tima prepared calamari a couple of times for us which she served with her self made sambal sauce - delicious!

Delivery service Indonesian style: the coconut express came directly to our doorstep.

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