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  • AutorenbildGiselle

85 days adventure part 1: Lakey Beach - Indonesia

Aktualisiert: 17. Sept. 2019

Sumbawa - an island east of Bali and definitely off the beaten tourist path is home to some of the worlds best wave spots, one of them Lakey Beach. My first two weeks stop on this 85 days adventure.

Getting to Sumbawa requires an approximately one hour domestic flight from Denpasar (Bali), in my case with Wings Air. Although I think I can safely say that I‘m quite a frequent traveller, the “invocation cards” that were in the seat pockets right next to the safety cards were a first for me...

...and actually quite a few of my fellow passengers put them to use which made me wonder if they knew something that I didn’t know...

From the airport in Bima it took another two hours by car to finally get to Lakey Beach and my home for the next two weeks. The house was located just by the sea and the main kite spot. From the porch there was a beautiful view across the bay and the surrounding garden.

A 15 minute walk or quick scooter ride along the beach gets you to Lakey Peak, a wave spot popular with local surfers, home of the ship wreck bar and another tiny beach bar selling fresh coconuts.

One day we took a ride down to “Periscope”, yet another popular surf spot. Getting there by scooter was quite an experience, as we had to pass through a herd of water buffalos on the way.

I really enjoyed riding through the small villages which are lined up along the coast. I found the locals to be super friendly and the kids always got excited when they saw a foreigner. During my time here there were quite a few selfie requests from the locals, so I guess I’m on someone’s Insta feed now :)

Every day during low tide a huge part of a reef was exposed, which was located right next to the kite spot. Here I met - amongst other creatures - „freaky eye“ the sea urchin:

Apart from my new found “freaky friend” these two were regular visitors at our house:

A long beach and very few people - this is pretty much the essence of Lakey Beach...

Tima - our chef (see “eat” section) - took us on a grocery shopping trip to Dompu, about 40 minutes by car. She goes there about every other week to buy stuff that isn’t available in the little villages nearby Lakey Beach. We took the opportunity to take a little stroll around the market.

On the way back we stopped at a roadside market for some fresh fruit and vegetables.

I really enjoyed my time on this super laid back island - selamat tinggal Sumbawa!

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